The Purpose of Mirrors In The Gym

The Purpose of Mirrors In The Gym

Mirrors in gyms initially seemed like a strange concept to me. I remember when I was in high school and we exercised in a gym that didn't really have many mirrors so this wasn't a topic that was discussed very often. However, as I got older and joined a commercial gym, I realized that mirrors are everywhere. Many people when first beginning at the gym can be intimidated by all the mirrors. This is completely understandable and definitely can be tough to overcome initially. So what is the purpose of mirrors in the gym and why do many commercial gyms line the walls with them? Can you use these mirrors to your advantage or are they just there to make you feel uncomfortable? I have a couple answers for you..…
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Harbinger PolyPro Dip Belt Review

Harbinger PolyPro Dip Belt Review

There are not many things I recommend as far as gym gear goes. However, there is one key thing that every weightlifter needs in their arsenal of supplies. That my friends is a solid belt for weighted dips and pull-ups. I will give you the full rundown on the Harbinger PolyPro Dip Belt that I use almost every single day and hopefully you will have a better idea of whether or not it's worth the investment. There will come a time in every serious lifter's life that they can push or pull far more weight than what they have naturally attached to their body. This creates the need for a dip belt, vest, ankle weights, etc. I'm a huge proponent of keeping things simple. There is a wide variety of…
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Buying Men’s Workout Shorts

Buying Men’s Workout Shorts

First off, I want to reiterate that the gym isn't a fashion show. The super flashy neon shorts or whatever weird stuff you are wearing should be immediately discarded. Unless of course they are actually the most comfortable thing you've ever lifted or ran or did any form of exercise in. Then feel free to keep them. When going after gym shorts I generally use the KISS method and keep it simple. Black is the go to color for any gym gear I buy and usually I have some key criteria I look for in any new purchase. Let's talk about my main considerations when buying men's workout shorts. 1. Cost Cost is super important. You really have to understand fully what you are paying for. Are you paying for…
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The Best Gym Chalk On The Market

The Best Gym Chalk On The Market

Let's be real, I don't know many guys that enjoy wearing gloves when lifting. Whether it's because they don't want to look a certain way or whether it's because gloves actually do nothing for you but create blisters, they just aren't a realistic lifting solution. Girls, I can understand why you wear gloves, but I'd still suggest an alternate solution. So how do we solve the problem that many of us have in the gym? The weight room attendants generally run around and grease up the bar with some mystery cleaner that most certainly will leave a thin film of destruction behind. This film just waits, dormant, until the next no-chalk lifter slaps some weight on the end of the bar, grips as hard as they can, and then gets absolutely…
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Best Athletic Headband

Best Athletic Headband

Why would you be on the lookout for the best athletic headband? Well let me tell you. I've recently been trying to grow my hair out a bit. This always fails because I get sick of it and cut it all off. The primary reason for my hair being annoying is that it gets in my face at the gym. If you are a guy with mid-length hair, this article is most certainly for you. If you have ever tried to grow your hair out to any length that you can actually style you have probably experienced the awkward mid-length stage. This is the stage where you cannot quite pull your hair back and tie it up, yet you can't really style your hair or maybe you don't want to…
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Best Water Bottle For The Gym

Best Water Bottle For The Gym

I’m sure you’ve wondered… What is the best water bottle for the gym? You’re not the only one! I wondered this for a long time and eventually found my soul mate, my holy grail, my go-to water bottle. Now even though I found mine, you may have different preferences. After going through a lot of water bottles I realized there were a few I kept coming back to. Those three were the Blender Bottle, the Contigo, and the Hydro Flask. The Hydro Flask quickly became my favorite and I never looked back. But I’m here to give you my thoughts on all three. The Blender Bottle: I don't really want to take anything away from The Blender Bottle, it's a great all purpose bottle. However,  I would say of the…
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The Best All-Around Gym Shoe for Men

The Best All-Around Gym Shoe for Men

Background: I have gone through a ton of gym shoes in my time. So many in fact that I can't count them on two hands. Usually the rate of gym shoe turnover is pretty high, and this is because most people are EXTREMELY hard on their gym shoes, as you should be! Recently I took it upon myself to try out a few different types of shoes in the gym to see what really grabbed my attention and felt the most comfortable, but also contributed to maximum performance in the weight room. There's an advantage to having the best gear, no it's not to look the best, I am really passionate about the gym not being a fashion show, but having the right workout equipment is important because it can…
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