Properly Executing Rest Day Workouts

Properly Executing Rest Day Workouts

In order to fully understand how to go about the rest day workout properly we first need to discuss why rest days are a necessity. Some of you may not be the type that can manage to stay away from the gym for long periods of time. This can be a serious struggle for those who have worked out for a long time or aren't sore from their most recent workout. However, rest days are still important and intense workouts every day can actually harm your body. Read my article on some of the negative effects of overworking yourself and practicing bad habits here. You should also know that a rest day doesn't necessarily mean you have to lay in bed like a vegetable. It's actually good to get up and…
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The Benefits Of Listening To Music While Working Out

The Benefits Of Listening To Music While Working Out

Let's talk about the benefits of listening to music while working out. Over the decades countless studies have been performed that analyze using music to alter or control mood. If you take the time to reflect upon (from memory) or listen to some different classical works, you will realize that there are heavy mood driving sounds woven throughout these compositions. This is the very reason that the greats like Beethoven were able to play out hours upon hours of concert and take audiences "on an adventure" of sorts. This still holds true today when we go see our favorite artists live. Imagine the last concert you attended...think about the emotional journey that their music took you on. Now think about the music you listen to every single day...Do you listen…
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7 Key Exercises For The Best Home Workout

7 Key Exercises For The Best Home Workout

Many people avoid the gym. There is a wide variety of reasons why. Maybe the stigma against the gym stems from an insecurity when first starting out. Maybe it is too expensive to pay so much every month for a place to workout. Maybe they have children to attend to and cannot leave them alone to head to the gym. Maybe you are on a limited time schedule and really just need to get something quick in before an important appointment. Many people are investing in video programs such as P90X or some sort of Ab Ripper Pro. While these are great and they are guided and do usually show you some results if you work through the program with the proper intensity, they are usually a little longer than…
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The Mental Health Benefits Of Hiking

The Mental Health Benefits Of Hiking

Hiking is one of those things that someone can easily fall in love with. There is no better feeling than strapping on a backpack, loading it full of the basics, and embarking on a journey out into nature. Whether you live in a city and love it, or live right on the edge of the great outdoors, you cannot deny that hiking brings out a newfound love for nature, health, and fitness. Hiking isn't always about getting out and getting active. Many people really focus on the active benefits of hiking, but what about the passive benefits that result from this activity? Did you know that hiking actually has mental health benefits as well? The Reason I Started Hiking I grew up in a really rural area, so being outdoors…
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Do You Work Out For The Right Reason?

Do You Work Out For The Right Reason?

Fitness, Nutrition
People work out for a wide variety of reasons. The real question here is, do you work out for the right reason? Quite often people say things like "I worked out today so I can eat half of this cake", "I worked out today so I can drink tonight", or "I'll just have these five chocolate bars; it's fine as long as I work out today." I've justified unhealthy habits using exercise before, and it has affected me negatively. I hope that I can help you to avoid those unhealthy habits and work out to better your overall wellness. Don't Waste Your Work Out If someone told you that they would give you $100 right now, but as soon as they hand it to you, you have to catch it on…
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Buying Men’s Workout Shorts

Buying Men’s Workout Shorts

First off, I want to reiterate that the gym isn't a fashion show. The super flashy neon shorts or whatever weird stuff you are wearing should be immediately discarded. Unless of course they are actually the most comfortable thing you've ever lifted or ran or did any form of exercise in. Then feel free to keep them. When going after gym shorts I generally use the KISS method and keep it simple. Black is the go to color for any gym gear I buy and usually I have some key criteria I look for in any new purchase. Let's talk about my main considerations when buying men's workout shorts. 1. Cost Cost is super important. You really have to understand fully what you are paying for. Are you paying for…
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3 Key Ways To Avoid Getting Tired In The Afternoon

3 Key Ways To Avoid Getting Tired In The Afternoon

Many of us these days work desk jobs. The world is becoming more and more automated every day leading to a larger number people sitting down behind a computer plugging away at their careers. I know that often times the hardest part of the day to get through can be the afternoon. Many of us begin to feel extremely sluggish in the afternoon, meetings wear you down, your brain gets tired, and really you just want to head for home or the gym as soon as you get the chance. The afternoon usually is the time of day when you are least productive. I bet you're wondering why you are so tired in the afternoon. There's plenty of reasons that I will talk about in this article. I will also…
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How Even Brief Meditation Helps Sleep

How Even Brief Meditation Helps Sleep

I know it's easy to burn the midnight oil these days with all the distractions in your daily life. I know personally I am always fighting myself staying up way too late. I spend a lot of time on here, on the internet in general, listening to music, or cooking late. In addition to all these things I am trying to fit in time for the gym. I know that when I come back from the gym I for some reason become a crazy person that no longer needs sleep. So the gym in the afternoons, while this is really the only time I can make it having other obligations in the morning hours, can be really to my detriment. I know also how tough it can be to put…
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The Best Gym Chalk On The Market

The Best Gym Chalk On The Market

Let's be real, I don't know many guys that enjoy wearing gloves when lifting. Whether it's because they don't want to look a certain way or whether it's because gloves actually do nothing for you but create blisters, they just aren't a realistic lifting solution. Girls, I can understand why you wear gloves, but I'd still suggest an alternate solution. So how do we solve the problem that many of us have in the gym? The weight room attendants generally run around and grease up the bar with some mystery cleaner that most certainly will leave a thin film of destruction behind. This film just waits, dormant, until the next no-chalk lifter slaps some weight on the end of the bar, grips as hard as they can, and then gets absolutely…
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My Advanced Workout Plan For Men

My Advanced Workout Plan For Men

This workout plan is not for the faint of heart. Before I talk about how this works for men like myself you have to understand that I started this routine after years of consistent lifting. This is not recommended for jumping right into. If you are new to the gym and have really not lifted seriously in your life then let me refer you to a great program that I actually cycle back in every now and again for strength gain. This is great to start off and really teaches you form and how to power lift properly. Since power lifting is a pretty significant part of the workout I do it is extremely important that you understand the concepts of proper lifting before you dive into the workout I…
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